Services We Offer
24 hour of compassionate care
Summertime BBQ's
Laundry and housekeeping
Visiting Physicians and Nursing
Hospice care
Personal care, shower assistants, dressing, grooming
Daily activities, puzzles, games, crafts, gardening
3 Home cooked meals daily and snacks
Our Approach
At Betzy's Place, we look at assisted living a bit differently. Our mission is not to care for as many people as we can. Our mission is to treat the few guests we have as family and provide them with the care they would receive from their own family. We provide 24-hour compassionate care with the love and respect they so deserve. Three home-cooked meals are prepared daily along with snacks and refreshments throughout the day. All laundry and housekeeping is maintained on a daily basis as well as personal care and assistance with showering, dressing, and grooming. We truly understand and respect the difficulty and emotion involved in the decision of where to care for you or your loved one and we believe that each and every resident of Betzy's Place extends our family beyond the resident. You and your family become part of ours and our responsibility is to treat each and every one of you with the respect you all so greatly deserve.